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Tag: Reconciliation Monday

Our Lenten Journey, Feb. 19, 2024

To help the faithful observe Lent in the Diocese of Wilmington, this year’s annual Our  Lenten Journey offers our readers an opportunity to meditate...

Our Lenten Journey, Feb. 18, 2024

To help the faithful observe Lent in the Diocese of Wilmington, this year’s annual Our  Lenten Journey offers our readers an opportunity to meditate...

Our Lenten Journey, Feb. 17, 2024

To help the faithful observe Lent in the Diocese of Wilmington, this year’s annual Our  Lenten Journey offers our readers an opportunity to meditate...

Our Lenten Journey, Feb. 16, 2024

To help the faithful observe Lent in the Diocese of Wilmington, this year’s annual Our  Lenten Journey offers our readers an opportunity to meditate...

Our Lenten Journey, Feb. 15, 2024

To help the faithful observe Lent in the Diocese of Wilmington, this year’s annual Our  Lenten Journey offers our readers an opportunity to meditate...

Our Lenten Journey, Feb. 14, 2024: Ash Wednesday

To help the faithful observe Lent in the Diocese of Wilmington, this year’s annual Our Lenten Journey offers our readers an opportunity to meditate...

Bishop Koenig: Experience our Lord’s love and forgiveness — Reconciliation Monday...

March 2023 Dear Friends in Christ, I want to personally invite all Catholics in Delaware and Maryland’s Eastern Shore to experience Our Lord’s love and forgiveness...

El amor de Dios sobrepasa el pecado — Padre Giamello

Padre Giamello En el año 2015, estuve visitando a un amigo sacerdote en Perugia, Italia, y lo acompañe a la ciudad Eterna Roma, donde el...

del obispo — Experimenta la experiencia de nuestro Señor amor y...

Marzo 2023 Queridos Amigos en Cristo, Yo quiero personalmente invitar a todos los católicos en Delaware y en la costa este de Maryland, a experimentar el...

Visit your local church on ‘Reconciliation Monday’ as God’s love overwhelms...

In 2015, I was visiting a priest friend in Perugia, Italy, and accompanied him to the Eternal City, Rome, where he had some official...
