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Moises Sandoval, Catholic News Service

Moises Sandoval, Catholic News Service

Lean on times gone by to remember how community was an...

When I was a child in New Mexico, summer was a time when the social life of the church flourished. Every village in that...

Goal is to get through coronavirus and emerge better in health...

"There is an appointed time for everything, and a time for every affair under the heavens. A time to give birth, and a time...

Pandemic or not, death is the destiny we all will...

Once again, the liturgy of the season reminds us of the death that awaits us all. But we need no reminder this year. The...

A personal perspective on racial injustice: Moises Sandoval

There are some people who are puzzled by the marches for racial justice. A man who works in the oil fields said recently in...

Benefits of intermittent diet come at good time for those seeking...

Just in time for Lent, The New York Times posts a persuasive article by personal health columnist Jane E. Brody on the benefits of...

The difficulties encountered by good Samaritans today: Opinion

In these times, it is good to reflect once again on the parable of the good Samaritan (Lk 10:25-37) because along our southern border...