Most Rev. W. Francis Malooly
Bishop Malooly’s Easter message: Last twelve months have given us opportunity...
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
As Holy Week brings Lent to a close, I prepare to once again celebrate Easter as Bishop of Wilmington,...
Mensaje del Obispo para Domingo de Pascua
Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo:
Al llegar la Semana Santa, poniendo fin a la Cuaresma, me preparo una vez más para celebrar la Pascua...
Christmas message from Bishop Malooly: ‘We look forward with hope to...
En español, abajo
My dear friends in Christ,
The miracle of Christmas — God giving his Son to us — must take place every day in...
Bishop Malooly encourages support of retired religious through the Retired...
Dear Friends in Christ,
On the weekend of December 5-6 our parishes will hold the Retirement Fund for Religious collection, an annual appeal that benefits...
Bishop Malooly offers prayers for President-elect Biden, looks to the future...
The Most Reverend W. Francis Malooly, Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Wilmington, has issued the following statement on the 2020 Presidential Election:
“St. Paul...
Help give the gift of faith: Support the Share in the...
Dear Friends in Christ,
When parents choose Catholic schools for their children, they are embracing Christ’s call to “let the little children come to me”...
Bishop Malooly calls Catholics to active participation in political process, find...
September 8, 2020
The Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
The Twelfth Anniversary of my installation as Bishop of Wilmington
Dear Friends in Christ,
Obispo Malooly: Carta para el Domingo de Pascua 2020
De verdad estamos pasando por un tiempo muy penoso. En las primeras semanas de Cuaresmo el virus Covid-19 nos encerró en nuestras casas, cerró...
Bishop Malooly: For Easter, may we never lose sight of the...
These are indeed difficult times for us, it began only a few weeks into Lent when the Covid-19 virus confined us to our homes,...
Bishop Malooly reaffirms commitment to public health, says Diocese of Wilmington’s...
Following the best guidance of the scientific community and the legitimate restrictions on public life placed by our state governments, our churches are closed...