Home Our Diocese Bishop Malooly: Wilmington audit shows compliance in keeping children safe

Bishop Malooly: Wilmington audit shows compliance in keeping children safe

Bishop Malooly
Bishop Malooly addresses the crowd earlier this summer at groundbreaking for a new gymnasium for Christ the Teacher and a parish social hall for St. Margaret of Scotland. (The Dialog/Mike Lang)

The bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Wilmington today announced its most recent compliance with the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, the plan adopted in 2002 to deal with sexual abuse of minors by members of the clergy and other church personnel.

The findings are a result of a review of data collected on-site for the 2017-18 charter audit period by StoneBridge Business Partners, an independent firm hired by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. The Diocese of Wilmington has been in compliance in all audits including its first in 2004, according to a statement from the diocese.

“We are happy to report another successful audit,” said Bishop W. Francis Malooly. “During this time when so many of us are once again saddened and angered by reports of sexual abuse of children by clergy, is a reminder to us that we must always fight to avoid complacency and keep vigilant in our work to protect our precious children and young people.”

Currently, there are approximately 13,000 active individuals – including clergy, deacons and parish and school staff and volunteers – that have undergone background checks and have been cleared for ministry with young people in the Diocese of Wilmington through its For the Sake of God’s Children safe environment program.

Information regarding the Catholic Diocese of Wilmington’s comprehensive safe environment program, For the Sake of God’s Children, is available at www.cdow.org/FSGC. More information regarding what the Catholic church in the United States is doing to protect children and young people including information about compliance audits is available at http://usccb.org/issues-and-action/child-and-youth-protection/audits.cfm.