Home Our Diocese Diary of #CDOW150th: Every entry from the pilgrimage found in one place

Diary of #CDOW150th: Every entry from the pilgrimage found in one place


As the pilgrimage returns from its Annecy-to-Rome celebration of the Diocese of Wilmington 150th anniversary, the Dialog is pulling together every entry of Diary of #CDOW150th right here in one place so readers can follow along in words and photographs from each step of the journey.

Click on each link to find the trip’s highlights for the 135 members of the pilgrimage.

Entry No. 1: Group celebrates Mass, boards buses to airport

Entry No. 2: Travel hiccups at outset of pilgrimage

Members of the Diocese of Wilmington pilgrimage gather outside the basilica in Assisi.

Entry No. 3: Walking in footsteps of patron saint

Entry No. 4: Bidding farewell to Annecy, France

Entry No. 5: Giving thanks at St. Peter’s Square

Entry No. 6: Dinner in Rome looks to top the list of happenings

Entry No. 7: Following the footsteps of Christ

Entry No. 8: Pope Francis greets pilgrims in St. Peter’s Square

Entry No. 9: Sand of Colosseum soaked by blood

Entry No. 10: Visit to Assisi, home of St. Francis and St. Clare

Entry No. 11: Papal audience fulfills dreams of pilgrimage

Pope Francis greets the crowd during his general audience in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican April 25. (CNS photo/Paul Haring)