Home Local Sports Ursuline Academy moves on in DIAA girls soccer tournament: Photo gallery

Ursuline Academy moves on in DIAA girls soccer tournament: Photo gallery

Raiders keeper Julia Terzaghi makes a stop in traffic. She is joined by teammate Grace Burns and the Spartans' Whitney Evancho. Dialog photo/Mike Lang

MILLTOWN — Ursuline withstood everything Saint Mark’s threw (or kicked) at them, and the Raiders capitalized when it mattered, shocking the Spartans, 2-1, in a DIAA Division II soccer tournament quarterfinal on May 22 at the Graveyard.

The game was tied at halftime, 1-1, thanks to goals from Ursuline’s Zoe Carberry and the Spartans’ Whitney Evancho. Mary Querey intercepted a Spartans pass and found Carberry, who deposited the ball just three minutes in, while Evancho scored on a rebound off a Saint Mark’s corner kick late in the first half.

The Spartans, the top seed in Division II, controlled the ball for most of the evening, and they tested No. 8 Ursuline’s defense over and over. In the first 10 minutes of the second half, the Spartans had a shot deflected wide, narrowly missed two others wide left, and forced Raiders keeper Julia Terzaghi to make a save on a corner kick.

The Spartans kept the pressure on. A handball just outside the 18-yard box led to a free kick for the Spartans in the 57th minute, but it brushed off the fingertips of Terzaghi’s gloves and off the crossbar. A minute later, another Spartans free kick clanged off the crossbar.

The Raiders managed a counter in the 66th, but Carberry’s shot was smothered by the Spartans’ defense. Ursuline followed this with a free kick that was deflected over the end line, followed by a corner kick that did not lead to a goal.

Finally, in the 72nd minute, Madeline Pennewill got possession along the sideline in front of the Raiders’ bench. She passed toward Carberry, who turned and sent a shot into the far side of the net for the eventual game-winner.

Saint Mark’s had some time to work with, but they got close only once. Giana DiFebbo caught up to a long through ball in the final two minutes, but her shot was just a bit wide left.

The Raiders (10-6-1) will play the winner of No. 5 Sussex Academy at No. 4 St. Andrew’s, who meet Thursday in Middletown. That game, one of the semifinals, is scheduled for May 29 at a location and time to be announced.

Saint Mark’s finished the season 13-3. They graduate just three seniors from this roster.

Photos by Mike Lang.