Pledges to the Annual Catholic Appeal topped the $5-million mark for the third straight year, with more than five months left for gifts to be made.
The $5,146,545 in gifts thus far represents 110 percent of the 2018 Annual Catholic Appeal goal of $4,681,500, according to the Development Office. Gifts may be made through Dec. 31, the close of this year’s appeal.
The Annual Catholic Appeal is one of two major funding sources for the Diocese of Wilmington. The other is an assessment of parish Offertory collections.
Funds raised through the campaign support, wholly or in part, more than 30 offices and ministries that provide educational, pastoral and charitable ministries and services in Delaware and on Maryland’s Eastern Shore.
Theme for this year’s Appeal is “Disciples of Christ, Witnesses of Faith,” based on John 13:34-35. In that Gospel passage, Jesus tells his disciples to love one another as he has loved them. By witnessing that love, he said, others will know they are disciples of Jesus.
Bishop Malooly, in a brochure for the Appeal, explained that passage’s connection to the campaign:
“In that Gospel passage, Jesus tells his disciples to love one another as he has loved them. By witnessing that love, he said, others will know they are disciples of Jesus. The Annual Catholic Appeal … challenges each of us to bear witness to our faith and open our minds and hearts to bring those less fortunate closer to God’s table.”
To date, 46 of the diocese’s 56 parishes, plus the Korean Catholic Community, surpassed their goals. Those parishes that exceed their target in collections will receive rebates. Parishes that support schools will receive 100 percent of the excess for parishes while other parish will receive 50 percent of the excess.
While pledges topped the $5-million mark for the first time in the 2016 campaign, last year’s Appeal was the first when collections topped that mark, at $5,037,231.
This year, 14,778 pledges were reported thus far, with an average gift of $348.26. Most came during the Appeal Weekend of April 14-15.
To make a gift, or for more information about the Annual Catholic Appeal, go to .