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Eucharistic Adoration Week dates, times, sites listed by deanery in Diocese of Wilmington

Eucharistic Adoration Week schedule, Nov. 26-Dec. 3 in Diocese of Wilmington.

Every parish in the Diocese of Wilmington is represented at 56 churches in Delaware and the Eastern Shore of Maryland for Eucharistic Adoration Week beginning Nov. 26.

An adoration schedule listing broken out by seven deaneries in the diocese appears in the Nov. 17 print edition of The Dialog an online at thedialog.org.

Parishioners are encouraged to take advantage of a visit to adoration sites in the week after Thanksgiving and preceding Advent.

“As you may know, in June 2022 the church in the United States began a three-year Eucharistic Revival,” Bishop Koenig said in a letter to Catholics of the diocese.

“I am very grateful for the many ways that over the past sixteen months we have had the opportunity to gather in the Diocese of Wilmington and deepen our devotion to and understanding of the Eucharist.”