Home Education and Careers Ss. Peter and Paul senior Jameson Easter recognized for wood sculpture

Ss. Peter and Paul senior Jameson Easter recognized for wood sculpture


EASTON, Md. — Jameson Easter, a senior at Ss. Peter and Paul High School in Easton, Md., received a Silver Key Award from the Scholastic Art and Writing-Alliance for Young Artists and Writers. He was recognized for his detailed wood sculpture of the “Shield of the Aeneas.”

Since 1923, the awards have recognized some of America’s most celebrated artists and writers when they were teenagers. Previous honorees include Tschabalala Self, Stephen King, Kay WalkingStick, Charles White, Joyce Carol Oates and Andy Warhol.

The Scholastic Art and Writing Awards are presented each year in 28 categories for students from grades 7-12. For more information, go to www.artandwriting.org.