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Priests may celebrate four Masses on Christmas, feast days, Vatican says

VATICAN CITY — The Vatican decreed that priests can celebrate as many as four Masses on several important feast days, including Christmas, to accommodate...

An astronaut and a knight? This year’s Vatican Nativity scene generates controversy

VATICAN CITY -- Especially in a year when the COVID-19 pandemic will rule out many people's favorite Christmas traditions, they have a right to...

Bishops of Maryland Catholic Conference: Catholics in good conscience can receive COVID-19 vaccine

“Solidarity finds concrete expression in service, which can take a variety of forms in an effort to care for others. And service in great...

Mass remembering Archbishop Fulton Sheen offers chance to mourn loss of Msgr. Richard Soseman

PEORIA, Ill. -- A Mass at the tomb of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen on the 41st anniversary of his death Dec. 9 also was...

Xavier Becerra nomination for HHS director draws ire of pro-life leaders, praise from immigration...

WASHINGTON -- As President-elect Joe Biden systematically announces his Cabinet nominees, one selection has already become a culture war flashpoint. California Attorney General Xavier Becerra,...

Prayer effort for Wisconsin bishop grows from one Catholic’s action 15 years ago

MADISON, Wis. — Fifteen years ago, Syte Reitz wouldn’t have expected that the prayer bouquet she was preparing for the late Bishop Robert C....

Despite limits of pandemic, Vatican’s Cardinal Piacenza upholds ‘probable invalidity’ of confession by phone

VATICAN CITY  -- Even though the world is facing a pandemic that may limit many people's ability to celebrate the sacraments, particularly those people...

Catholic leaders decry additional federal execution measures

WASHINGTON — A move by the Department of Justice to expand how it carries out federal death sentences — to include electrocution, gas or...

20 years as a bishop on Dec. 12 — ‘I love the bishop’s ministry’...

WILMINGTON — Bishop Malooly may be nearing the end of his tenure as the ordinary in the Diocese of Wilmington, but the delay in...

Washington Auxiliary Bishop Michael W. Fisher appointed to Diocese of Buffalo

WASHINGTON — Pope Francis has named Bishop Michael W. Fisher, an auxiliary bishop of Washington since June 2018, to head the Diocese of Buffalo,...
