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Bishop Koenig celebrates Christmas Mass at St. Christopher and Saints Peter...

Bishop Koenig spent Christmas Eve and Christmas Day celebrating Mass at two parishes along the lower Eastern Shore of Maryland. Christmas Eve Mass was at...

Spending Christmas in Bethlehem is a way of standing in solidarity...

This Christmas, while massive crowds of pilgrims will flock to Rome for the opening of the Jubilee year, I'll be spending the holy season...

Pope Francis, dealing with a cold: God present ‘in the gift...

Leading the recitation of the Angelus prayer from inside the chapel of his residence because of a cold, Pope Francis nevertheless blessed the baby...

The hope of the shepherds reminds us of a far...

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, “Let us go, then, to Bethlehem to see this thing that has taken place which the Lord as made known...

Pope Francis tells young people to regain ‘wonder’ during Christmas season

Cautioning against the monotony of routine that dims the capacity to appreciate the extraordinary, Pope Francis urged young people to experience Christmas as a...

Question Corner: Why do we read about the genealogy of Jesus...

Q: I'm a longtime daily Mass-goer, and every year in the days leading up to Christmas we have that one Gospel reading that lists...

‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ resonates because Frank Capra tapped into the...

My family never watched "It's a Wonderful Life" when I was growing up. I saw it for the first time when I was around...

Youngest Ursuline Academy students entertain at annual Christmas concert: Video

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-FLJPvdyys WILMINGTON — Ursuline Academy’s youngest students gathered in the school auditorium on Dec. 18 for the annual Early Childhood Concert, a Christmas tradition at...

Music of the season just some of the highlights of things...

Less than two weeks remain before Christmas, and there are plenty of things in the diocese to put you in the spirit, especially liturgical...

When it comes to holiday spending, re-examine what it means to...

By Phil Lenahan, OSV News As we move closer to winter, we anticipate the holidays and the fact that the New Year is just around...