Tag: Class of 2020
The timeline of Class of 2020 graduation has its share of...
The significance of high school graduation resonates with just about everyone. It can be the beginning of a lifetime of memories.
Coronavirus did its best...
PHOTO GALLERY: Saint Mark’s High School gathers, in person, to welcome...
MILLTOWN – The Class of 2020 at Saint Mark’s High School enjoyed a mostly normal graduation on June 6, complete with speakers, tassel flipping...
Salesianum School welcomes seniors to become part of Abessinio Stadium permanently
WILMINGTON — Many of Salesianum’s seniors returned to the Wilmington campus on May 8, as they were previously scheduled to come in and empty...
Ursuline Academy seniors get together from a distance as school lights...
WILMINGTON — What was intended to be a quiet show of support for Ursuline Academy’s 39 seniors became something of an impromptu, socially distanced...