Tag: Easter
Like flowers, Easter fades, but the brightness of Pentecost beckons —...
At Easter morning brunch, one of my daughters brought me a beautiful bouquet of tulips.
They were so welcome, and so extraordinary, that I took...
Third Sunday of Easter: We all bear witness to the life,...
Sunday Scripture readings for April 14, 2024, Third Sunday of Easter
Acts 3:13-15, 17-19 Ps 4:2, 4, 7-8, 9 1 Jn 2:1-5a Lk 24:35-48
We all...
Simultaneous dates of Easter, transgender observance, and secular-only White House Easter...
A proclamation from the nation's second Catholic president on a transgender-themed occasion is causing consternation among some faithful, as the date coincides this year...
Bishop Koenig’s Easter homily: Trust in God who destroyed death
The Resurrection of Jesus
Each of the four Gospels tell stories of Jesus’ appearances to his disciples after his resurrection. Luke tells the story of...
Acceptance of the reality of Jesus’ Resurrection is rooted in the...
Imagine for a moment that St. Peter, standing before the centurion Cornelius, had said, with a somewhat embarrassed grimace, "Well, it's my personal opinion...
We spent 40 days in the desert of Lent, let us...
This year, I'm glad to see Lent come to an end, and not just because of Easter Alleluias and Cadbury dark chocolate eggs.
It was...
Just three in ten U.S. adults regularly attend religious services
The pews may be a bit more crowded at Mass this Easter -- but on balance, regular church attendance in the U.S. continues to...
The power of God did not just roll back a stone...
Easter 2024
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
The Gospel of Mark that is proclaimed at this year’s Easter Vigil, tells the story of three women...
Easter Sunday: Christ’s Resurrection is a phenomenal story — keep it...
Sunday Scripture readings for March 31, 2024, Easter Sunday
Acts 10:34a, 37-43 Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23 Col 3:1-4 Jn 20:1-9
Christ's Resurrection is a phenomenal story...
Holy Family Women’s Group provides 40 Easter baskets for needy children...
For this Easter season, the Holy Family Parish Women’s Group checked with Linda Jablonski, who is in charge of the parish outreach office in...