Home Tags St. Mary Star of the Sea Parish

Tag: St. Mary Star of the Sea Parish

WATCH: Father Lance Martin of St. Mary Star of the Sea,...

OCEAN CITY, Md. -- Voices filled the beach beneath a blue sky and brilliant sunshine as Father Lance Martin, adminstrator of St. Mary Star...

One of Us podcast: Donna Santoni of St. Mary Star of...

“One of Us” is a brief snapshot of people who support the Catholic church in various ways in the Diocese of Wilmington. We regularly feature...

Bishop Malooly blesses the water among parishioners and beachgoers in Ocean...

Bishop Malooly, bishop emeritus of the Diocese of Wilmington, was a familiar face on the Ocean City, Md., beach as he blessed the water...

‘One of Us’ Podcast: Dave Melocik enjoys his daily fellowship and...

“One of Us” is a brief snapshot of people who support the church in various ways in the Diocese of Wilmington. We will regularly feature people...

Bishop Malooly confirms parishioners at St. Luke’s in Ocean City and...

Bishop Malooly presided at confirmation services in numerous parishes in the Diocese of Wilmington during the end of April and beginning of May, including...