Home Marriage and Family Wedding Anniversary Mass in Diocese of Wilmington includes more than 120 couples...

Wedding Anniversary Mass in Diocese of Wilmington includes more than 120 couples — Photo gallery

Couples renew their vows during the Wedding Anniversary Mass at St. Margaret of Scotland Church, Sunday, Feb. 11, 2024. Dialog photo/Don Blake

The Diocese of Wilmington annual wedding anniversary Mass was celebrated Feb. 11 at St. Margaret of Scotland Church in Newark.

The Mass was held on World Marriage Day which coincided with National Marriage Week (Feb. 7-14).

More than 120 couples celebrated special anniversaries from 10 years to 70 years. Each of the couples joined Bishop Koenig in renewing their vows during the Mass.

William and Dolores Rybaltowski celebrated 70 years of marriage. The parishioners from St. Hedwig’s Parish in Wilmington had the longest string of years married among the couples in attendance.

The event was coordinated by the diocesan Office for Marriage and Family Life.