Home Catechetical Corner Bishops Malooly, Sullivan celebrate annual ‘Red Mass’ at St. Joseph’s on the...

Bishops Malooly, Sullivan celebrate annual ‘Red Mass’ at St. Joseph’s on the Brandywine

Red Mass
Bishop Dennis Sullivan, left, of the Diocese of Camden and Bishop Malooly are joined by students from Padua Academy and instructor Susan Poppiti at the Oct. 1 Red Mass at St. Joseph’s on the Brandywine.

The St. Thomas More Society, Diocese of Wilmington, hosted two bishops Oct. 1 at its 31st annual Red Mass at St. Joseph’s on the Brandywine.

Red Mass
Bishop W. Francis Malooly of the Diocese of Wilmington, left, and Bishop Dennis J. Sullivan of the Diocese of Camden prepare to enter St. Joseph’s on the Brandywine Church on Oct. 1, 2018, for the 31st Annual Red Mass sponsored by the St. Thomas More Society, Diocese of Wilmington.

Bishop Malooly was principal celebrant and was joined by homilist Bishop Dennis J. Sullivan of neighboring Diocese of Camden.

The Red Mass is celebrated for judges, prosecutors, attorneys, law schools professors, students and government officials. The Mass requests guidance from the Holy Spirit for all who seek justice and offer them the opportunity to reflect upon their God-given power and responsibility in the legal profession. The Red Mass is celebrated annually throughout the United States.

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The term Red Mass refers not only to the red vestments worn by royal judges, participating in the pope’s tribunal, but also to the traditional use of the color red as representation of the Holy Spirit.

Concelebrants at the Mass included Msgr. Steven Hurley, Msgr. Joseph Rebman, Father Anthony Pileggi and Father Michael Romano of the Diocese of Camden.

Father Brian Lewis served as master of ceremonies. Father Leonard Klein, chaplain of the society, was also present. Deacons were F. Edmond Lynch and Harold Jopp. Music at the service was provided by St. Helena’s Church Choir under the direction of Joseph Louden.