Home One of Us podcast ‘One of Us’ podcast: Frank Varone contributes his skills as a lector...

‘One of Us’ podcast: Frank Varone contributes his skills as a lector at three churches in Wilmington

Frank Varone is a lector at St. Ann’s and St. Thomas the Apostle churches and Sacred Heart Oratory in Wilmington. Dialog photo/Joseph P. Owens

“One of Us” is brief snapshot of people who support the church in various ways in the Diocese of Wilmington. We will regularly feature people who are recognizable within their parish communities.

NAME: Frank Varone

HOMETOWN: Wilmington

PARISH: St. Thomas the Apostle

WHAT FAITH MEANS TO ME: “It pretty much means everything. Without it, what do I have to look to? When your back is against the wall, and you don’t know what way to turn, I think there’s only one way to look and one way to go, to look above and to look for the help of God.  To me, that’s more important than anything else. With all the problems people have today, I think their biggest problem is they don’t know where to go. Without having a strong faith and a belief in God, you’re in deep trouble.”

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Check out the full podcast below.