Home Our Diocese St. Mary Star of the Sea holds COVID-safe ‘Very Best Singalong’ in...

St. Mary Star of the Sea holds COVID-safe ‘Very Best Singalong’ in lieu of vacation Bible school — photo gallery

Children participate in the Very Best Singalong, a vacation Bible school alternative, at St. Mary Star of the Sea Church, Ocean City, Md. on July 27, 2020.

Children and their families gathered at the St. Mary Star of the Sea Church parking lot in Ocean City, Md. on the evening of July 27 to participate in a ‘Very Best Singalong’ program. The gathering was organized in place of the parish’s traditional vacation Bible school, which was cancelled because of the coronavirus.

While maintaining safe distances, children sang and danced to traditional songs from previous vacation Bible school years, including My Lighthouse, Amazing Grace and This Train is Bound for Glory.

According to Rita Danhardt, parish director of faith formation, there are usually as many participants as counselors every year. The idea grew out of a desire to come up with a compromise to the cancellation since both children and counsellors expressed sadness at missing out this year. Decorations from previous vacation Bible school years were placed around the parking lot and children received a Flying High with God frisbee as a gift. They also made crafts, played games and had refreshments.

They will gather to do it all again on Wednesday, July 29 with new songs and different take-home gifts.