Home Our Diocese Let it snow — a little bit — in Diocese of Wilmington,...

Let it snow — a little bit — in Diocese of Wilmington, but some of us are only getting lots of rain

Snow piles upon St. John the Beloved in Wilmington Dec. 16. Dialog photo/Don Blake

If snow lovers in the Diocese of Wilmington are disappointed that we’re only getting a small pile of snow from the Dec. 16 nor’easter that will pummel regions slightly north of us, remember that we have colleagues in the south that won’t see anything but rain.

And lots of it.

Reports from Ocean City Md., and points south are that the drenching rain began midday and will dump buckets before the storm passes through.

In New Castle County, snow began in early afternoon, but the National Weather Service says residents there won’t get anywhere near the foot or more that is predicted in nearby portions of Pennsylvania.

The National Weather Service says wet snow will accumulate anywhere from 2-5 inches in northern Delaware, followed by sleet and rain. Of greater concern are heavy winds, which will be as much 40 mph.