Home Education and Careers ‘One of Us’ podcast: John Mazalewski makes great local impact with ministry...

‘One of Us’ podcast: John Mazalewski makes great local impact with ministry at St. Catherine of Siena

John Mazalewski poses outside of the St. Catherine of Siena Pastoral Center Office.

“One of Us” is brief snapshot of people who support the church in various ways in the Diocese of Wilmington. We will regularly feature people who are recognizable within their parish communities.

NAME: John Mazalewski

HOMETOWN: Wilmington

PARISH: St. Catherine of Siena

WHAT FAITH MEANS TO ME: “My faith is my life. It’s how I do my job. It’s the way I love my kids and the way I love my wife. God has given you so many great things so it’s only natural that you want to share that joy and those things with others. As it says in the scripture, ‘to those that have been given much, much is expected.’ And I really do take that to heart. So hopefully, more so by actions than by more words, that people can see the fire that’s in my heart and that it’s appealing enough that they want to become a part of it.”

Follow the “One of Us” podcast with the complete interview at catholicforumradio.libsyn.com

Check out the full podcast below.

Previous podcasts:

Nov. 8, 2019 One of Us Frank Varone

Nov. 22, 2019 One of Us Joan Ballintyn