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Living Our Faith: Lenten series: Repentance

A woman prays during Ash Wednesday Mass March 1, 2017, at the Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Houston. Lent presents Catholics with an opportunity and an obligation to examine where their lives are modeling the Lord’s example and where they are failing to help bring about the kingdom of God. (CNS photo/James Ramos, Texas Catholic Herald)

According to the early Fathers of the Church, all true repentance must begin with humility. To take our eyes off others’ sins and instead to admit our own is an act of humility.

In our faults we come to know more profoundly the love of God. Repentance then is to live within the dialogue of salvation.

Lent is a time to delve deeply into our lives during this season of penance and give a thorough look at what our values are and how we live them out each day.