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Living Our Faith: Sacrament series — Confirmation


In confirmation, the Holy Spirit strengthens us in our identity as children of God,

Bishop David L. Ricken of Green Bay, Wis., uses sacred chrism oil to trace a cross on the forehead of Alma Karina Ruiz, 16, during the sacrament of confirmation at St. Joseph Church in Wautoma, Wis., Aug. 26. Looking on is Alma’s sponsors, Jose Tinajedo and Maria Francisca Ruiz Duran. (CNS photo/Sam Lucero | The Compass)

imparting an “apostolic” character, which associates us with the active mission of the church.

 The sacrament of confirmation has helped me, on the daily, to say yes to God.

 To be confirmed is to be chosen — chosen by God to be a sign of God’s presence in the world, sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit.