Home Authors Posts by Daniel S. Mulhall, Catholic News Service

Daniel S. Mulhall, Catholic News Service

Daniel S. Mulhall, Catholic News Service

Catholic social teaching on human dignity: ‘We believe that every person...

A first principle of Catholic social teaching focuses on the life and dignity of the human person, which is fitting because it mirrors some...

In ‘Fratelli Tutti,’ Pope Francis challenges us to be good neighbors

Pope Francis, in his new encyclical "Fratelli Tutti, on Fraternity and Social Friendship," explores what it means to be a good neighbor. Reflecting on...

True forgiveness can only occur when pain is released

When I was 17 years old, I bumped into a bush and lodged a thorn in my elbow muscle. I pulled the thorn out,...

Books: “God Is Young” and “The Art of Forming Young Disciples”...

"God Is Young: A Conversation with Thomas Leoncini" by Pope Francis. Random House (New York, 2018). 128 pp., $26. "The Art of Forming Young Disciples:...

Series on the Mass: Proclaiming the word of God — A...

I began my service as a lector in 1965 when I was 12 years old. Only a few months before (on Nov. 29, 1964),...

Finding dignity and purpose in work

What is your attitude toward work? Do you work in order to live, or do you live in order to work? How do you...

What do you treasure?

The Gospel of Matthew 19:17-22 tells the familiar story of the rich young man who wants to know what he must do to gain...

Our teachings on the body and blood of Christ

Catholics believe that Jesus is really present within the church in its status as the people of God -- as stated in the Second...

Every Christian is a missionary

In his 2013 apostolic exhortation "The Joy of the Gospel" ("Evangelii Gaudium"), Pope Francis states that Christians are to go out into the word...

An instinct: Always faithful

In 2014 the Vatican's International Theological Commission published the document "'Sensus Fidei' in the Life of the Church" with the approval of the Congregation...