Home Authors Posts by Most Rev. William E. Koenig

Most Rev. William E. Koenig


GUIDED BY THE SPIRIT: The ongoing efforts of our pastoral planning...

To the laity, members of institutes of consecrated life, and the clergy of the Diocese of Wilmington: Greetings in the name of the Risen Lord. INTRODUCTION Rejoice,...

Bishop Koenig homily at ordination to priesthood of James Gebhart: ‘You...

Dear Beloved: since this man, James Martin Gebhart, our son and your relative and friend, is soon to be advanced to the Order of...

At transitional deacon ordination, Dennis Stameza advised to ‘teach what you...

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ: since this man, Dennis Stameza, our son, brother and friend will soon be advanced to the Order of...

Bishop Koenig’s Easter homily: Trust in God who destroyed death

The Resurrection of Jesus Each of the four Gospels tell stories of Jesus’ appearances to his disciples after his resurrection.  Luke tells the story of...

The power of God did not just roll back a stone...

Easter 2024 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, The Gospel of Mark that is proclaimed at this year’s Easter Vigil, tells the story of three women...

Bishop Koenig Chrism Mass homily: In the name of St. John...

Bishop Koenig homily, Chrism Mass, 2024, Church of the Holy Cross, Dover As we gather this evening as clergy and lay faithful from throughout our...

From the Bishop: ‘Reconciliation brings about a sense of peace, serenity...

March 2024 Dear Friends in Christ, What a beautiful and humbling experience it is to hear someone’s confession, give absolution in Christ’s name, and witness one’s...

Bishop Koenig homily at Christmas: ‘Our all-powerful and all-knowing God has...

It was 800 years ago today, Dec. 25, 1223, that an event took place in a little town, about an hour outside of Rome,...

‘May this be a time for us to see’ — Bishop...

Christmas 2023 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, As we celebrate that moment in which God emptied Himself and took on our human flesh, may it...

Bishop Koenig: Support religious who dedicate their lives to service by...

November, 2023 Dear Friends in Christ, On the weekend of December 2-3 our parishes will hold the Retirement Fund for Religious collection. This annual appeal assists...
