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LISTEN: Nagging feeling of solitude, but also solidarity — ‘It hasn’t been that bad’ — Neumann University’s ‘Coronacast Diaries’


Documenting their personal experience while in quarantine during this global pandemic, students, faculty, community and non-community residents of Aston, such as international citizens have been recording their stories to be aired in a podcast series created by Neumann Unviersity’s communication department. Known as the “Coronacast Diaries,” the audio clips are aired daily on Neumann’s radio station WNUW 98.5 LP FM and its social media pages.

​Today’s Coronacast comes from Maarja Merivoo-Parro from Estonia as she reports what social distancing is like for residents in Estonia. Similar to our social distancing rule of keeping a 6-foot distance from others, Merivoo-Parro explains the 2-by-2 rule citizens must follow. Looking for the light at the end of the tunnel, Merivoo-Parro reports that living this past month in social isolation hasn’t been that bad and how she and her husband have been able to incorporate solidarity into their life.

Previous Coronacast can be found and listen to on Neumann Media’s Youtube page.
To share your experience, audio files can be emailed to WNUW@neumann.edu or call the station at 484- 424-9687 and leave a voicemail.