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Computers for students who need them and keeping up with school work the focus at Cathedral of St. Peter School in Wilmington: Photo gallery

Father Joseph W. McQuaide IV, rector at the Cathedral of St. Peter, Sally Grandell , eighth grade teacher, Sister Donna Smith, principal and Sister JoAnne Goecke, sixth grade teacher, help distribute materials April 28. Dialog photo/Bob Krebs

Remaining socially distant, keeping kids up with their school work and maybe enjoying some spring weather have been among the difficult tasks of all of us as we work to limit the spread of coronavirus.

Some of the staff at Cathedral of St. Peter School in Wilmington managed to pull off some of all three April 28 under sunny skies with temperatures in the mid-60s.

Students in different intervals dropped off completed school work and picked up new materials at the school. Chromebook computers were also made available for students who did not have them.

Diocese of Wilmington Catholic schools in Delaware and the Eastern Shore of Maryland are closed for the remainder of the school year, Lou De Angelo, superintendent of schools for the diocese announced April 24.

De Angelo said distance learning will continue at all schools through the end of the school year in mid-June as the diocese continues to abide by public health restrictions aimed at limiting the spread of coronavirus. Gov. John Carney made the same decision for public schools in Delaware while Gov. Larry Hogan in Maryland has not announced a decision for the remainder of his state’s school year. The diocese decision includes its schools in both states. Private Catholic schools located in the diocese are not impacted by the announcement.

Schools in the diocese have been closed since mid-March.

Questions regarding graduation, closing exercises, and end-of-year activities will be addressed by local schools, De Angelo said. Those plans will be individualized by school, he said, and he is asking schools to share their plans with parents by May 15.

“When permitted, we shall work with schools to provide families limited access to school buildings, respecting the requirements of social distancing, masks, gloves, and other expectations, to retrieve students’ belongings. More information about this process will follow in communication with you from your local school at the appropriate time. We ask your patience in awaiting an approved protocol for this procedure to occur.”