REVIEW: St. John the Beloved Knights of Columbus Fish Fry
RATING: 3.5 fins out of 4
By the mysterious Dashing Dialog Diner
My companion and I attended the St. John the Beloved Knights of Columbus Fish Fry on Friday, March 22, 2019. I had the beer-battered flounder filet, fries and coleslaw. My companion, being far more health-conscience, enjoyed baked flounder, baked potato and green beans. Both the fried and baked flounder were moist and flaky. The hint of Old Bay in the batter of the fried flounder was an unexpected delight to this Marylander’s taste buds. The baked flounder was perfectly cooked with just the right amount of seasoning. The green beans were an unexpected treat as my companion expected them to taste like they came out of a can.
According to Bob Dayett, one of the Knights selling tickets at the door, about 400 guests were expected to dine that evening. The most ever to attend a Friday night Fish Fry at the parish was 650 last Lent.
We were happy to see that among the 65 volunteers were dozens of youth from the parish youth group, delivering meals, busing tables, and selling baked goods. It was great to see the pastor, one of the associate pastors, the Saint John the Beloved School principal, and the parish director of religious education in attendance to support the Knights. The parish’s part-time receptionist, a semi-retired Mercy Sister stopped by our table and introduced herself to us making us feel warmly welcomed and at home.
The cost for each meal was $12. Drinks and dessert were extra. Beer and wine were available. The only suggestion that my companion and I would offer would be to serve warm dinners rolls. The Dashing Diner rated the meal a 3.5 out of 4 FINS, only because the dinner rolls were cold.
Saint John the Beloved Knights don’t hold their fish fry every Friday in Lent, but will have fish sandwiches to go on March 29 and April 12. Visit for ordering instructions.
Check out for the next review from the mysterious Dashing Dialog Diner. Maybe we’ll find you at a fish fry, pancake breakfast or parish festival near you. Feel free to send suggestions for parish eating events to The Dashing Diner will be heard, but never seen.