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Lawn chairs, sunshine, fresh air and Mass highlight return to church at St. Benedict in Ridgely, Md.

Father Brian Lewis celebrates Mass on May 30.
The beautiful weather, return to church and an outdoor Mass made for a remarkable evening at St. Benedict’s in Ridgely, Md. on Saturday as restrictions aimed at limiting the spread of coronavirus begin to be eased.
Father Brian Lewis, administrator of St. Benedict, Deacon Bill Nickum, Deacon candidate Adam Perza and parish volunteers set up an altar and marked off spaces where parishioners could safely join the first weekend Mass in the Diocese of Wilmington since Bishop Malooly halted services in mid-March, following government regulations regarding large gatherings.
Massgoers observed social distancing and other precautions aimed at keeping people safe.
About 90 people attended and had the opportunity to receive communion for the first time in several months. The bishop has extended indefinitely a dispensation that relieves Catholics of the obligation of attending Sunday Mass as communities continue to monitor the impact of the coronavirus.