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Tag: Pope Francis

Vatican announces theme for 2024 World Communications Day; human beings make...

VATICAN CITY -- While artificial intelligence can be a formidable tool to facilitate communication and exchange information, it cannot provide the uniquely human wisdom...

Pope Francis tells journalists to ground their work ‘on the solid...

VATICAN CITY -- A journalist's reporting about the Catholic Church should not aim to polarize people or push certain positions, but to seek and...

Pope Francis prays for the release of six nuns — from...

MEXICO CITY -- Six nuns from the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Anne were kidnapped Jan. 19 while traveling on a bus in...

‘I might hope hell is empty, but I think that it’s...

Sometimes you hope to be wrong. For example: A good friend that I made in college seminary discerned out of formation and began to pursue...

Social media erupts after interview with Pope Francis during which he...

VATICAN CITY -- An emphasis on God's mercy has so dominated Pope Francis' pontificate that it should surprise no one that he said he...

‘Sport can build bridges, break down barriers, and foster peaceful relations’...

VATICAN CITY -- Sports has the power to unite people, regardless of their differences, and to remind everyone they are part of one human...

Pope Francis cancels Lenten retreat and invites Roman Curia ‘to live...

VATICAN CITY -- Pope Francis has asked top Vatican officials to set aside the first full week of Lent for spiritual reflection, but for...

Pope Francis tells association of laywomen dedicated to Holy Family the...

VATICAN CITY-- It may seem insignificant to some, but praying the rosary every day is huge in the eyes of God, Pope Francis told...

Vincenzo Riva, man featured in famous photo with Pope Francis, dies...

VATICAN CITY -- Vincenzo Riva, a man with neurofibromatosis, whose photograph with Pope Francis was seen around the world a decade ago, died in...

Pope Francis says gluttony is one of the most dangerous vices:...

VATICAN CITY  -- One of the most dangerous vices is gluttony, turning people who are meant to be custodians of creation into mere consumers...
