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Bishop Malooly instructs pastors to keep churches closed, no drive-up services...

As state-mandated restrictions remain in place in Delaware and Maryland, Bishop Malooly has instructed pastors in the Diocese of Wilmington to keep churches closed...

Parish outreach programs continue helping hungry in Diocese of Wilmington as...

Parish outreach programs in the Diocese of Wilmington say they are holding up during the novel coronavirus pandemic, but donations are needed to assist...

Saint Francis Healthcare grateful for support after reaching out to community...

Posting publicly to itsFacebook page, Saint Francis Healthcare has shared that it is accepting donations from the community in response to the fight against...

Dialog Datebook: Diocese of Wilmington events canceled or postponed to guard...

As communities take measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus, precautions have resulted in the cancellation and postponement of numerous events. If you have notices...

The urgent call to the Wilmington rectory: ‘Father, she needs to...

By Father Richard Jasper The call came in to the rectory yesterday with an out-of-state area code, the caller identifying himself as the son of...

Ministry of Caring seeks donations of food, money to help with...

WILMINGTON — Citing the sharply rising cost of feeding New Castle County’s growing number of homeless and poor, including the newly unemployed, the Ministry...

Third elderly victim claimed as Little Sisters of the Poor, Jeanne...

NEWARK – Three residents of Jeanne Jugan Residence have died as the Little Sisters of the Poor battle the coronavirus pandemic that threatens the...

“A Million Families, A Million Rosaries” prayer campaign by Little Sisters...

The national office of the Little Sisters of the Poor have launched the "A Million Families, A Million Rosaries" prayer campaign to bring an...

Diocese of Wilmington announces live-streaming schedule for Holy Week Masses from...

Churches may be off-limits to large gatherings during the restrictions put into place in Delaware and Maryland during the coronavirus pandemic, but Catholics can...

English bishops shocked at United Kingdom to allow abortion pills at...

MANCHESTER, England -- The English bishops have expressed their shock at an emergency policy to allow "do-it-yourself abortions" during the coronavirus pandemic. Auxiliary Bishop John...
