Home Our Diocese Diary of #CDOW150th: Walking in footsteps of patron saint

Diary of #CDOW150th: Walking in footsteps of patron saint


TheDialog.org is following the #CDOW150th as 135 people travel for a pilgrimage to France and Rome to commemorate the sesquicentennial of the Diocese of Wilmington.
DESTINATION (Day 3): It’s always good advice to bring good walking shoes. After breakfast, pilgrims gathered in their hotels (we are spread out among three hotels in Annecy) and departed for a two-hour walking tour of this beautiful city, “the Venice of the Savoy.”
HIGHLIGHTS: Local guides took CDOW visitors to the Church of Saint Francis de Sales, the Cathedral of St. Peter and various sites where SFdS and Saint Jane de Chantal lived, worked, and prayed. This evening, we gather at the Basilica of the Visitation, for Mass in the presence of the relics of these two saints.

St. Francis de Sales Church in Annecy, France.

TODAY’S QUOTE: “Today really brought St. Francis de Sales to life for me. He was one of the first to remind us of our universal call to holiness. The photos on the internet of Annecy really don’t do it justice; it is a breathtakingly beautiful place.”
— Deacon Christopher Moran, St Peter the Apostle/Holy Spirit Parishes.








Palais de I’lle, the famous Annecy landmark, as seen by the pilgrimage of #CDOW150th.