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Tag: Diocese of Wilmington

Reflections of Diocese of Wilmington seminarians: A video presentation from Brennan...

The Dialog news operation is providing special alerts to readers of the Angelus e-newsletter. Sign up here for a free subscription to the Angelus. Father...

Reflections of Diocese of Wilmington seminarians: Guide us on our journey...

Father Norman Carroll, Diocese of Wilmington vocations director, has encouraged our seminarians to be creative in this time of turmoil in the lives of...

Reflections of Diocese of Wilmington seminarians: Missing the physical love of...

Father Norman Carroll, Diocese of Wilmington vocations director, has encouraged our seminarians to be creative in this time of turmoil in the lives of...

Editor brother assigns priest brother to provide Sunday homily for his...

With no public Masses available in-person, the editor wanted to provide a Sunday homily for readers. So he reached into the branches of his...

Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Wilmington continues essential services during...

As the public health emergency continues, Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Wilmington remains fully committed to the mission of service to the needy...

Dialog keeps readers up to date with local news and advertising...

Diocese of Wilmington officials decided March 17 that the March 27 print edition of The Dialog would not be published, but workers at the...

Coronavirus restrictions on large gatherings limit size of funerals, but local...

In Bill Doherty II’s line of work, business doesn’t ever really come to a halt. As president of Doherty Funeral Homes, he deals with weather...

Diocese of Wilmington will not print March 27 edition of The...

Officials at the Diocese of Wilmington have decided that the next print edition of The Dialog, scheduled for distribution March 27, will not be...

Words of scripture draw direct connection to threat of coronavirus —...

At the March 14 evening Mass at Cathedral of St. Peter in Wilmington, Father Joseph W. McQuaide IV, rector, delivered a homily that was...

Mass over the Web is the way to stay in touch...

Catholic News Service and staff reports WASHINGTON -- In pandemic-unnerved America, we're all shut-ins now. In another time, just about any city of a certain size...
